A cold and dark church greeted the wardens and those who prepare the church for worship on their arrival on Sunday morning, due to an external breakdown in the electricity supply. Thanks to the engineers who were braving the elements working on nearby poles, the supply was back working in time for the start of the service.

The celebrant and preacher at the service of holy communion was the rector, Canon David Miller. The epistle was read by Bevan Osborne, Canon Miller read the gospel. Intercessions were led by Mary Cowley, Sir Leonard and Lady Peggy Allinson presented the communion elements, sidesman was Phil Haywood and organist Anne Veneear.

On Sunday there will be a service of holy communion in church at 10.30am. Celebrant and preacher will be Canon Tony Neal.

On Sunday, December 13 at 10.30am, the Christingle service will be held.

The following week there will be a service of holy communion at 10.30am. At 6pm there will be a carol service.

On December 24 (Christmas Eve) there will be a crib service at 4pm and the Midnight Service of Holy Communion starts at 11.30pm.