This week's services for the first Sunday of Advent were taken by Father Harry Pugh. Mary Holloway and Phyllis Whiting read the lessons and Yvonne Bellinger led the intercessions. Andrew Woods was organist.

This week's services will be on Thursday at 10am (holy eucharist), Sunday at 8am (holy eucharist BCP) and 9.30am (solemn eucharist). Choir practice will be on Wednesday at 7.15pm.

Porthleven School's carol service will be held in St Bart's on Friday at 6pm.

St Bart's Christmas meal will be held on Friday, December 11 at the Harbour Inn. Menus are available from Maureen Williams. Names of those wishing to attend are required by Sunday, December 6, please.

A date for your diaries - the service of nine lessons and carols will be held in St Bart's at 7pm on Tuesday, December 15 with mulled wine and light refreshments to follow. A collection will be held in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support.