A Cornwall College lecturer has chosen to give the 48 copies of a book she was allocated as part of World Book Night to children’s charity Children’s Hospice South West.

Anne-Marie Young, who manages the childcare, health, counselling and complementary therapies courses offered by Cornwall College Camborne, applied to take part in World Book Night and was chosen as one of the lucky 20,000 avid readers to receive 48 copies of a chosen book to give away.

Anne-Marie was given Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights. She said:”The book I chose is aimed at children aged ten and over and my copies will be given to Children’s Hospice South West. I can’t think of a better home for the books.

“Children’s Hospice South West is a charity close to my heart and the hearts of my students. They have been raising funds for the charity this year and I thought it fitting to donate my books too. I hope they give a lot of pleasure.”

Anne-Marie has now met with the Tamsin Lewis, the new head of care for the Little Harbour hospice that is in the process of being built in St Austell.

Tamsin said: “World Book Night is a great initiative and we are thrilled that Anne-Marie has chosen us as the beneficiaries of her delivery of books. Phillip Pullman’s Northern Lights has been widely acclaimed and enjoyed by children and adults alike – I’m sure it will go down very well with the families who use our services.”