Local MP George Eustice met with volunteers and employees from Camborne’s Citizens Advice Bureau last week.

The purpose of the meeting, which was held at the South Terrace Community Centre, was to exchange information about issues affecting members of the community which they both serve. As well as helping people to solve their immediate problems, the CAB uses data from its advice services to challenge injustices and to ensure that these clients’ voices are heard by those that wield power, including MPs and councillors.

A range of topics from benefits to transport policy were discussed during the hour-long meeting. Mr Eustice was asked questions including how the government aims to reduce excessive waiting times for clients phoning HM Revenue and Customs, something which has caused problems for many working people living in Camborne and Redruth.

It was agreed that although the national economic picture was improving, factors such as high levels of personal debt continue to prevent local people from feeling this prosperity. Listening to anonymised cases where clients were harassed over unknown debts, Mr Eustice expressed a sincere commitment to improving the methods used by creditors to collect their money in both the public and private sector.

Over the next few months staff members from individual bureaus across Cornwall will be meeting up with their respective MPs, as part of a wider mission to strengthen ties between the charity Citizens Advice and central government.

Josh Perry, research and campaigns coordinator for CAB Cornwall, said: “This meeting was extremely constructive. Our clients are also George’s constituents, so it makes complete sense that we communicate on a regular basis in the interest of everyone’s welfare.”