AROUND 2,500 visitors attended the annual Kehelland Apple Day with the majority of exhibitors reporting it to be their busiest ever.

The weather was kind to the event on October 10 with it being – not too hot in the tunnels and glasshouses, not cold outside.

Organisers say they were particularly delighted at the large numbers of visitors who had never been to Kehelland before, or to the Apple Day

"Their positive reactions to the event, the site and to the work that we do here on a daily basis were a joy to hear," said trustee Stuart Wallace.

"We were overwhelmed with people wanting to talk about their own apple trees and orchards; we had some success with identification but we hastened to show people our interesting fact that you could eat a different apple every day for six years and still not have tried all the apples growing in this country’ – there’s a lot of apple varieties out there and a lot of unknown/ unnamed seedlings!

"We enjoyed sharing in the process of taste comparisons and cutting apples open to compare pip structure. One family were excited to discover that when they cut their apple across the girth, the core was a perfect 5-pointed star – they went on to take a print of it in our apple printing workshop."