CROWDS gathered on the shore in Flushing on Saturday for the launch of Nankersey Rowing Club’s new Cornish Pilot Gig, the ‘Serafina’.

Over a 100 villagers, club members and friends from neighbouring clubs attended the service of dedication, which started promptly at 11am with a welcome from the club’s chairman, Anne Oliver.

The ceremony was then taken by The Right Reverend Tim Thornton, Bishop of Truro, who conducted the proceedings in gale force winds but dry conditions. The Nankersey Choir were in attendance singing three hymns.

Both the Serafina and the Circe, the club’s first boat, were on the beach for the service.

The gig is named after the character Serafina Pekkala from Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy. Serafina Pekkala was the witch who helped Lyra escape Mrs Coulter. Thus the gig Serafina has a witch painted onto her rudder.

The name was chosen by club members from among 30 suggestions.

An extract from one of the books was read by Stella Pilsworth, as was a message from the author himself, who said he was delighted to hear about Serafina and he hoped the spirits of the Arctic would bless her and all who sailed in her. A poem was specially written by Trustee Ken Cooper and read by fellow Trustee Anthony Oliver.

After completing the service of dedication, the Bishop named Serafina using a bottle of Camel Valley Cornish wine.

Serafina, built by local boat builder Andrew Nancarrow, is the first Cornish pilot gig to be built of Cornish elm in ten years, the wood sourced from Trevarno Gardens, by local sawmiller Jo Burbridge, a Flushing resident.

The £20,000 needed to build Serafina was raised in seven months with funding from Sport England, Grass Roots and local companies including Golder Associates, Morgan Bradbury, Scrace & Co, Worshipful Company of Founders, Mylor Parish Council, Remington Hickes, the sale of planks and a lot of hard work from club members.

John Ball, the club’s rowing captain, said: “It was a lovely day and a very proud feeling for all those involved, who have worked so hard to raise the money for Serafina.

“Our thanks go to all concerned who have supported our young but ever growing club.”

For more information on NRC log on to their website nankerseyrowing