Residents, businesses and community groups in Falmouth are being given extra time to have their say on how they feel the town should develop over the next 15 years.

Councillor Candy Atherton, who leads the Falmouth neighbourhood plan stakeholder group for the town council, said: “We have been getting a lot of interest with over 100 people attending our drop-in sessions to talk and 360 postal questionnaire responses have been received.

“Our website has had nearly 5,800 hits, with 585 online questionnaire responses since we launched at the end of March. Twitter retweets and mentions have been very extensive as well.

“However, delays with our distributors mean that many households still haven’t received their copy of the leaflet and questionnaire, and as the level of interest so far suggests that many more will want to have their say, we are extending the deadline to Friday, May 22.”

There is also a website where people can find out more and complete the questionnaire on-line