A FALMOUTH primary school has been graded outstanding in the latest Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report.

St Francis C of E Primary Academy, a large school with 420 pupils, was visited on March 26, five years after its previous inspection.

Since taking up the post of head teacher in February, Hannah Stevens, has been wholly committed to continuing the successes of the previous leadership team, and said: “Everyone in our school community is thrilled that the inspection highlights the areas which are so close to our hearts here at St Francis.

“Our family ethos is central to all that we do, and now as part of the Falmouth MAT, we are excited about the future opportunities which will be afforded to our pupils.

“Our Christian ethos is the driving force to ensuring that all of our pupils are happy, flourishing and achieving their potential.”

This drive is celebrated in the report when it states that: “An understanding of values underpins pupils’ enthusiastic attitudes to learning, enabling all to make better than expected progress.”

As a Church of England school, it is inspected by the diocese on four key areas: the school’s Christian distinctiveness, the impact of collective worship, the effective of religious education and the effectiveness of leadership and management of the school as a church school. Many key strengths of the school have been identified, including its impressive pastoral support. The report states: “Pupils talk about their deep understanding of being part of this warm, caring family and the Christian ethos which permeates school life.” It goes onto say “Parents acknowledge the impact the school has on their child’s life and achievements. They value the care shown by staff and the feeling that they are part of the school family.”

The inspection report said: “At the heart of the school’s work is the understanding that everyone is special to God. Pupils talk about this and its links to the school’s vision, ‘Every person matters, every person succeeds, every person helps.’”

The report emphasises the outstanding “distinctiveness and effectiveness” of the school and states: “The school’s Christian vision is clearly evident in its personalised provision which ensures that each pupil experiences being an important member of a caring community. Distinctive Christian values permeate all aspects of school life which pupils understand well and talk about with confidence. The enthusiasm and expertise of the religious education coordinator ensures that the subject has a very high profile and enables pupils to achieve well.”

“The teaching about prayer is excellent with quality progressive experiences offered which lead to a deepening of pupils’ thinking.”