A Falmouth student has ended January on a high after scooping £1,000 on a £2 lotto scratchcard - hours after making a wish he would win.

Jonathan Biss, 21, bought the card from a Tesco store in the town.

The cash strapped student decided to buy the ticket after he had made a wish to win the lottery prior to pulling a wishbone earlier on in the day.

Mr Biss said: "It's so crazy I can't believe I've won so much money, especially after I wished for it to happen.

"I rang my girlfriend who was then out shopping and she couldn't stop screaming."

Earlier in the day Mr Biss had been preparing a chicken sandwich and handed his girlfriend the wishbone, secretly wishing he would win the lottery.

"I later took the opportunity to go for a walk with friends and popped into my local store, where to my surprise I had purchased the winning card," he added.

The national lottery claim that there are 'four scratch card winners every second', with prizes ranging from £1 to £1,000,000.

The Falmouth student will be celebrating by go out for a slap up meal and says that he hopes to invest some of the money on a motorbike.