Helston Town Council and Helston Bowling Club will be staging a joint public exhibition of plans for public realm projects on Saturday.

The exhibition, at the bowling club from 9am to noon and 2pm to 5pm, will provide an opportunity for local people to drop in to view detailed designs and discuss the plans with the designers MeiLoci landscape architects and 3HW architects, the council, and club representatives.

In February the council prioritised enhancement of the area as its number one project for immediate attention.

The Monument was originally funded by public subscription and for many present day Helstonians and people with local connections this part of the town evokes fond memories of enjoyable moments spent there in the past.

Anybody who wishes to contribute to the projects should contact Martin Searle, town centre regeneration officer on regeneration@helston-tc.gov.uk or 01326 558881.

The first element of the Grylls Monument public realm scheme, tree management works on the wooded embankments below the Bowling Green, is due to be carried out between November 24 and 26.

Detailed designs for the public realm scheme will include proposals for new planting of understory species such as hazel, hawthorn and shrubs such as rhododendron and camellias to provide spring colour.

The council is hoping to assume responsibility for future maintenance of the embankments to ensure that they continue to enhance the area on completion of the capital works.

The works will require temporary disruption to the pedestrian route up and down Castle Hill steps. The council will be putting up advance notices on site and notifying local residents who are likely to be affected.