Mullion sampled some samba stylings on Friday as the children of village primary school brought a taste of Rio to the village.

The children from class two - years three to six - have been learning about Brazil for a summer topic, including the Amazon rainforest and Brazilian dance, and for the last day of term they paraded through the streets in bright outfits for their own Rio Carnival.

Following the procession, everyone returned to the school children, parents, and villagers were able to enjoy a Rio-style school fair with carnival games, stalls, and even a soak-the-teacher game. During the fair the children also sang songs, showed off their Brazilian dancing, and played musical instruments they had made.

Teacher Alexi Stracey said: "The parents have been really supportive and dressed them in colourful clothes.

"They have made masks, head dresses and belts, and made musical instruments."