Year two pupils at St. Michael’s School in Helston kicked their new topic off with a bang recently with a demonstration in the school grounds.

The children are studying the Pride in Place topic this month, with a heavy focus on the Great Fire of London.

On the first Monday back after half term the children made old London houses, learning how the houses before the fire were built close together, with narrow streets.

Then after playtime the children got to experience a real fire of London in miniature, as year two teacher David Rayner set fire to the models in a safe and controlled way.

The next day Samuel Pepys, or someone looking very much like him, appeared in the school’s woods, and began digging for something. He was very excited when he found his Parmesan cheese.

A scholl spokesperson said: "This gave the children a thirst for more learning on this topic and over the last two weeks, the children have enjoyed researching and writing about this part of British history."