On Wednesday, February 12 the church council meeting was held in the evening, with the Rev Turner in the chair. Decisions were made regarding Pastoral visiting, blinds for some of the upper room windows and suggestions made on ceiling lights.

On Sunday morning our preacher was Ruby Brown from Leedstown and was welcomed by Paul Coombs; music corner comprised Paul and Megan Jenkin and Paul Coombs; the hymns were from Hymns and Psalms. Story time came from the Isles of Scilly many years ago, when our preacher was about four years of age, much different to children of today. The lectionary readings were taken in two parts – firstly, Deuteronomy chapter 30 v 15-20 and Psalm chapter 119 v 1-8. After a hymn was sung 1 Corinthians chapter 3 v 1-9 and finally, Matthew chapter 5 v 21-37. The offering was taken up by Penny.

In sermon time Ruby said how years ago she had seen Cecil B de Mills epic film ‘Ten Commandments’ and is always fascinated to see them displayed in Marazion Chapel and in some Anglican Churches. Recently she has seen a DVD ‘The Ten Commandments’ while she was sitting with her son in her own home.

During the 1914-18 war and more so during the Second War women gained more rights - In the 1860s if a man decided to get rid of his wife, in many cases she would be ordered out without money and never permitted to see her children again.

There was a Celtic blessing at the close of the service. Downstairs coffee time was prepared and served by Helen Matthews