BREAGE VILLAGE HALL: On Saturday morning a coffee morning raised almost £60. This was held to help raise funds towards the purchase of special rolls of paper to print The Holy Bible in China for the use of Chinese Christians.

BREANEY METHODIST CHAPEL: On Sunday morning the local preacher was Louise Luing, Paul Jenkin was the organist. The preacher, thinking about the recent storms, chose as her first hymn “Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?”

Prayers followed. A modern version of the Bible was used written in conversational English. The chosen story was about Daniel in the lion’s den with the King having a restless night who, without his so-called advisors, went to the den to find Daniel alive! All the hymns were from Hymns and Psalms. The second scripture was from the gospel of John about Jesus and the multitude of fishes.

During the sermon Louise referred to people who try to search scriptures for words to suit their lifestyle, theologians who for many years keep searching for the meaning of everything they read - television programmes have tried to prove they search for missing scriptures to fill the gaps. Those fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were also puzzled by a stranger on the shore who discovered some new information (to their benefit). This stranger could tell them where to fish and yet he had prepared and cooked fish for their breakfast and His name was Jesus.

Most of the time we are not very successful or productive; just as the King in the Bible story of Daniel was better off without the misleading advisors, when he used his brain, he made the right decision about Daniel’s God!

There was a short time of meditation followed by prayer. The benediction followed the last hymn. The majority of the congregation joined the preacher downstairs for the fellowship time prepared by Mary Louise and Penny. On Sunday the preacher planned is Ken Mills from Mullion at 10.30am and Tony Jasper at 6pm.

Saturday is the Breaney Lunch, if you want to book contact Stephanie on 01326 564254.