METHODIST CHURCH: The service for Trinity Sunday, which included holy communion, was conducted by the Rev Beverly Turner and organist was Mavis Harper. Beverly did a dramatised version of how the universe was created with the help of Dick Brunwin. A thoroughly enlightening and enjoyable service.

PRIMARY SCHOOL: Catching up with the 100 Club – the winners for April were Mr R Forrester, Mrs Barclay and Mr Jones. For May the winners were: Mrs Hocking, Mrs Seymour and Mrs Piper. Congratulations to them all.

VILLAGE FETE: The fete takes place on Saturday, July 5 at Godolphin House from 11am to 4pm. It will support the Godolphin Community Association, Christmas lights and St Julia’s Hospice. Items are needed for the tombola and raffle stalls and it is hoped to have hampers for the raffle prizes, therefore tins, bottles, sweets, etc are also needed. Items can be taken to the Godolphin Arms during opening times or to the school. Cakes will also be needed on the day.

Helpers are also required to man the stalls, so if you can spare a couple of hours on the day please contact Alison on 01735 761337. Also please contact Alison if you have cakes to be collected.