On Sunday morning our preacher, Deacon Geoffrey Tamblin, informed the congregation about a bird story based on the environment and the people who wouldn’t mend their ways.

He also read another story about a blind girl who could enjoy the bird song and the sound of running water in a stream near where she lived.

Paul Jenkin was the organist for the Songs of Fellowship. Helen Jenkin read from Mark chapter 7 v 1-8, 14-15 and 21-23. Peter Gordon read Acts chapter 18 v 1-16.

During the sermon our preacher said rules and regulations from Bible days may be traditional, even so they are not what our Heavenly Father requires. Worshiping Jesus is more than singing hymns and choruses, we may console ourselves that’s the way we belong to do it! God made us all different, so why do some people think we should all worship the same way?

Nigel took up the offering. Prayers of intercession were said with a paper copy so we could all join in the responses one with another.

The holy communion was shared with the fellowship, although Sunday school leaders and the young people had gone to Trewennack Chapel for an All Age Worship service.

After the service Peter organised the coffee or tea chat time. The evening service took the form of a Taize Style led by Dr Jane Boydell with organist Paul Jenkin. This was well supported by the friends from the Anglican Fellowship. We all shared in a barbecue afterwards provided by Dr Jane, a great way to mix and mingle.

On Monday the monthly prayer meeting was led by Craig. Saturday is the Breaney Meal which is good value for money. If you have not booked ring 01326 564254 by Wednesday.