Sunday was our Harvest Thanksgiving service and preacher Deacon Geoff Tamblin led the service. The congregation were welcomed by vestry Steward Paul Combellack, who also gave two additional notices.

Paul Jenkin and daughter Megan provided the music for worship. The preacher read a few verses from Matthew chapter 17 as a call to worship, followed by the first hymn and prayer.

He talked about a tin of broth and empathised how we are to be thankful to God for harvest, seen or unseen. There are harvests all around the world at various times of the year which included the tin used for the product to be transported, not forgetting the clothes we wear.

Peter Gordon took up the offering and the Sunday school went downstairs. Sheila Archer read from Genesis chapter 41 v 1-35 with Peter G reading Mark chapter 4 v 26-32.

Our preacher, as part of the sermon, mentioned a Methodist minister friend in Rochdale who used to be a Baptist minister and ran a meeting for young men. Now, years later, one of the young men lives in Cornwall - Steven Wild, Chairman of the Cornwall Methodist District and President elect from this year’s conference. If you know Jesus, be prepared to talk to those you meet about Him. All the hymns were traditional harvest hymns. A chat and a cuppa was held downstairs at the close of the meeting.

At evening Harvest Thanksgiving William Herring, our preacher, was introduced by Paul Coombs as a lecturer at The Duchy College, near Camborne. In keeping with his daytime occupation he concentrated on 'seed' as the word of God.

Using the projected images of how seeds differ one from another, each beetroot has three seeds, that is why thinning out is important as most gardeners wants the best crop. Seed potatoes used to be cut so the eye will grow a plant, The Parables as told by Jesus often included a sower, preparation of the soil, pruning even, for better results.

Mr Herring explained how we should listen to God's Word, to know how to encourage the 'soil' to work with the harvest in mind. Two portions of Genesis chapter one and Luke chapter 8 v 4-15 were read and used by Mr Herring with traditional hymns, together with the information on the screen. Paul Jenkin was organist and played harvest music before the service commenced and for the singing which followed. Stephanie took up the offering, three ladies attended from the Parish Church regulars. Monday evening there was the Harvest Supper and the sale of produce.

On Saturday the Breaney Lunch at 12.30pm will be held, please book with Stephanie on 01326 564254.