On the last Saturday in October the Breaney Chapel lunch was held. Only one service was held on the Sunday, the preacher Margaret Flinders was introduced by Nigel Ferris, vestry steward. Paul Jenkin organist led the singing from Hymns and Psalms.

The preacher started with opening remarks followed by singing praise to the Lord Almighty and asked the all age congregation if they all make choices? From a copious bag she then extracted various items and asked “if you had a choice which would you pick?” This was done several times creating much interest!

When the Sunday school went down stairs, opening prayers were said, followed by singing the Lord’s Prayer. The offering was taken up by Margaret Jones. More questions were then asked; had we ever seen God? Did we have to see God to know God?

Portions of Dr Billy Graham’s book about Angels were read, stories were told of peoples experiences. Scripture was read by Sheila Archer, Genesis chapter 1 v 26-27 and Exodus chapter 33 v 9-11, followed by the hymn Immortal invisible God only wise. Helen Jenkin read the poem Footprints by Margaret Fishback Powers. With mini sermons before or after readings the link-up was good. Prayers of intercession were said, God moves in a mysterious way was sung, Peter Gordon read Acts chapter 17 v 26-28 and John chapter 1 v 12, 13and 15.

Downstairs later, Val and Margaret prepared and served refreshments.

On Sunday morning we will be showing support on National Adoption Day. There will be interviews with adoptive parents, children who are adopted and adults who were adopted as a child as well as testimonies from foster parents.

Please come along and support this valuable work in our community. The evening service preacher will be the Rev Beverly Turner and will include holy communion.