On Sunday morning worship leader Paul Coombs had the worship area set out as a studio. This week is the National Adoption and Fostering Awareness Week and many of our usual worshipers were not present and those who did attend certainly learnt a lot about the subject presented via the studio interviews.

From the Christian point of view there were suitable hymns and scripture readings, music from Paul Jenkin and Mary Louise Combellack, with words on the screen: Nigel Ferris also projected video slides produced by home for good. With fifty children taken into care every day, there are plenty to pray for, 6000 are awaiting adoptive parents. Prayers were said for the churches in the United Kingdom to champion the cause of vulnerable children and stand with families that foster or adopt. While you pray ask God, “what can I do?”

Paul interviewed a mother of an adopted daughter, who has shared her new life for several years with the only parents she has known. Paul asked the youngster what is it like at school? Do you get called names? “No” was her reply “never!”

Next was “the missus”, better known as Penny Coombs. There were stories of trying to adopt, however more has been achieved simply by fostering thirty-nine children in varying needs. The final question and answer was with a married man, whose parents adopted a sister when he was quite young (he now has his own children). Paul Combellack took up the offering.

The evening service was led by the Rev Beverly Turner using the service book and commenced with singing Lord for the years your love has kept and guided. The reading was from the gospel of John chapter 12 v 23-33 and the hymn Brother, sister, let me serve you, let me be as Christ to you was sung. The sermon started with an amazing question, why did God create flies and spiders? Our minister did praise other things as being good. During the message the 27th verse from the reading was quoted, now my heart is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. No, it was for this very hour. The hymn Take my life, and let me be was most moving. Holy communion followed with the final hymn and blessing.

On Sunday morning there will not be a service at Breaney. The service will be a Remembrance service at the Memorial at St Breaca at 10.45am, followed by the service in church. At 6pm there will be shared worship with the theme of guidance. Please bring items to contribute.