VILLAGE HALL: A coffee morning with a bring-and-buy stall will be held on Wednesday, February 12 between 10.30am and noon, hosted by the Friends of Godolphin House. During the morning there will be photos and a film of Godolphin on a large screen.

It is hoped to begin another session of free computers classes. This is a friendly course aimed mostly at beginners and to find out more please contact Gavin Bolton on 077945 82944.

LUMC: On Sunday there will be a reader service led by Mrs J Allen at Leedstown Chapel. Junior Church is also held at 11am in the Sunday schoolroom.

Junior church members enjoyed their New Year Party on Sunday, January 26, with Tania, Mel and Mary, celebrating Australia Day with games and quizzes.

Commonwealth countries have been chosen this year for the Mission Work project and the children will be making a “Prayers and Cares” wall for the schoolroom during February with a Sydney Opera House design. Lesson themes will follow the story of Moses, ready for All Age Worship on March 2.

The Fish and chips Babies Appeal that the chapel is supporting, needs to take in its last donated items on this Sunday. The collecting box for the Food Bank continues to be in the chapel for any donations to be added.