Parish communion reached a special point in the Easter calendar with what has long been known as “Good Shepherd Sunday”, with the reading of Jesus’ description of Himself as the one whose voice the sheep recognize and follow.

Canon David Miller was both president and preacher, assisted by Betty Booker, lay reader. In his sermon, Canon David explained the connections between the Good Shepherd story and Jesus’ resurrection appearances, notably going before the disciples to Galilee where they and, by example we, hear his call to follow him, to share the good news and to serve in his name.

This also tied-in to Christian Aid Week, currently taking place. Maureen Grattan-Kane read the lesson and Diane Barlow led the prayers. Richard Berry played the organ and Chris Bradbury directed the choir in John Rutter’s “A Clare Benediction”.

St Michael’s Ringers were in good form following their heralding-in of Flora Day and those who ran catering in the Andrew Hall were pleased to announce that £1100 had been raised for church funds.