U3A continues to introduce new interesting groups for the nearly 200 plus members. They are presently looking for Chamber Music instrument player to play together from time to time.

There are more than 30 existing groups which are very active. Carpet Bowls and Table Tennis meet on Wednesdays and the Ambling Group. the Creative Writing Group, and the KitKat Quiz Group all meet at regular intervals during the month.

The next coffee morning will be held at the Helston Methodist Church on Wednesday, July 16 when our guest speaker will be Sandra Goodswen, who will give a talk on “How to Spot Clues in Towns and Country which tell of Times Past”.

The exciting theatre and day visits planned for the next three months include: Fame at Hall for Cornwall on Wednesday, August 6; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Hall for Cornwall on Thursday, August 28; Day Trip to Powderham Castle and River Exe Cruise on Thursday, September 11.

If you would like to join U3A Helston, or would like some more information about the many and varied activities, please contact Vanda Trotman on 01326 221246, or email vanda.trotman123@btinternet.com.