Canon David Miller presided at parish communion, assisted by Betty Booker, lay reader, with Michael Thomas reading the lesson and Michael Thorn leading the prayers.

The Rev Dorothy Noakes’ sermon discussed one of Jesus’ encounters with religious big-wigs who were questioning the source of His authority, the nature of which they completely misunderstood. They, like many of their ilk today, were full of pride in their position, failing to realise those who do God’s will do it with complete humility and obedience.

During communion, the choir sang “Christ has no body now but yours” by David Ogden, directed by Chris Bradbury and accompanied by Richard Berry, organist.

On Sunday at 9.30am all-age family communion will celebrate the Harvest Thanksgiving, with those attending invited to bring gifts suitable for the Foodbank, the Women’s Refuge and Open Door (Mustard Seed).