CURY METHODIST CHURCH: The service on Sunday was led by Susan Bennetts. Marian Jennings read the story of the Prodigal Son and the children present were encouraged to join in putting actions to the story.

The offering was collected by Christopher Trounson and the flowers provided by Nellie Sobey.

On Sunday the Junior Church are celebrating their anniversary when the service will be led by Michael Trounson at 11am.

ST CORENTIN’S CHURCH: With glorious weather to help, £412 was raised on Sunday afternoon at a tea party held at Brenfrey, Cury to raise funds towards the Church Tower re-pointing project. Priscilla Oates, captain of the Bell Ringers thanked Brenda for opening her garden and everyone who made cakes, served teas and manned the various stalls. Priscilla told everyone that we needed just over another £500 before we could start on the re-pointing of the tower which is costing £14,000, so whatever was raised this afternoon would be a great help.

Stall holders were Shirley Finch, Jenny Smith, Sue Garner, George Harvey, Jeanette Dodd, Neil and Sally Ann Gunnell, Jacqui Laity and Marian Jennings.