The July meeting was a garden party – held in the president’s garden. It was a warm sunny afternoon, the garden looked pristine and bunting added an even more colourful effect.

Tables were laid and parasols were up. The garden party was very well attended with over 30 members present. As members arrived they were offered a drink of either Pimms or a soft drink, and chose where they wanted to sit. The meeting was opened and two visitors were welcomed. Business was kept to a minimum so that the afternoon could get under way as soon as possible.

A Resolution for 2015 was proposed by Catherine Barnes. In keeping with our celebration of 100 years of the WI Catherine asked that we invite all our 6600 institutes to each sponsor a girl child for at least ten years with a view to helping them to be educated, save them from child marriages, further poverty and abuse. There are already organisations in place to assist with this cause. Members can actually help with the sponsorship and this also brings the profile of the WI to a wider audience.

The Resolution was approved by 20 members and seconded by Beryl Cullen and Jill Hodge. The result will be forwarded to County WI.

With the meeting closed the party began. There was a well supported raffle with lots of prizes; three quizzes; a themed quiz to name various sweets/chocolates (winner was Ann Wilson); quiz to name 20 flowers which were cut out of magazines/books and displayed around the garden (winner was Sally); for the third quiz photos were displayed of committee members ‘in their youth’ and the idea was to guess who was who! This proved to be more difficult than anticipated (worthy winner was Rosemary). Small prizes were given to the winner of each quiz.

Much fun was had doing the quizzes, but even more enjoyment was had trying to decide what to eat from the delicious selection of food available for tea. There was a wide array of scrumptious food to choose from, certainly something for everyone; savoury quiches, sandwiches, and cheeseboard to beautifully decorated cakes, meringues and of course strawberries and cream and a good cup of tea. The afternoon proved to be a great success, with lots of thanks from members as they left.

Future events: Lunch Club: last Tuesday of each month noon-1.30pm. To order your meal contact Doreen on 01326 240132 at least three days before meal. Mullion WI Handicraft/Art Group: Exhibition and Open Day on Wednesday, August 6, 10am-4pm. Tea/coffee biscuits in the morning, cream teas in the afternoon. WI members free, non members £2.00 per session. July Monthly Luncheon Club: 12.30pm for 1pm, Wheal Dream, Helston. Every Friday, coffee morning held at WI Hall, 10am-11.30am, cakes, craft and local produce available, proceeds to WI Hall.

Next meeting Friday, September 12, 2.15pm at WI Hall. Nigel Legge will be talking about ‘Something Fishy’ - all welcome.

For further information on the events please contact Kath on 01326 240087.