President on Sunday was Des Moore and he welcomed visitors from Solihull. Speaker in the afternoon was Roger Hosking and he looked at the story of the widow’s mite in Mark chapter 12.

Jesus was moved by her faith, trust, commitment and humility as she put everything she had into the temple treasury. The rich threw much in out of their riches, but she made the ultimate sacrifice. It was encouragement for Jesus as he was about to give his all. Roger reminded us of the gift of love God gave when he gave His Son for our salvation.

After sharing tea Dieter Friedrich gave a talk on the holy spirit in the life of the believer. He pointed out that the standpoint of the Christian faith must rely on the sole authority of the bible. Human spirit is to do with the attitude of mind while the holy spirit is the power of God and the word means breath or wind. Dieter took us to many references in the bible showing that meaning and how God was inspiring those who wrote it. Jesus was endowed with that spirit and showed the attributes of God. Although the early disciples were given that power for a purpose it was for a limited time.

The power of God is still at work in the world today and we need Jesus to dwell in our hearts and minds that we may be guided by the gospel message.