President on Sunday was Geoff Harry and the speaker in the afternoon was Bob Muxlow.

Bob suggested that we can become very comfortable in our present situation and resist change. Bob pointed to the situation in the book of Romans when the early Christians often clung to tradition. But the requirements for salvation are the same now as then and work in the Lord’s service is needed to go forward to the kingdom.

The Bible points out that the answer is in your mouth and heart and we need to try live our lives as pleasing to him as Jesus did to perfection. We are in a position of grace and Jesus has opened the way for all to choose to follow him. We all have different gifts and everyone can do something in God’s service to strive to follow the perfect example of Jesus and see the great hope of the gospel. Jesus was always listening, teaching and helping with the purpose of God always in his heart and words and actions and gave his all for us.

After sharing tea Roger Hosking looked at the Bible teaching about the devil which in the original Greek has no personal meaning but just something diabolical. Many of the traditionally held beliefs have no roots in the Bible. The devil is never mentioned in the Old Testament where the word Satan is applied to any adversary including King David and Jesus later calls Peter the same thing. Roger reminded us that Jesus said it was out of the heart of man that evil thoughts arise.