President for the day on Sunday was Brian Jones who welcomed the speaker Steve Bilton and his family from Exeter.

In the afternoon Steve asked if anyone had ‘one of those days’ when everything seemed to disrupt their routine and plans. He used the story of Balaam's donkey when things went against his plans until he followed God’s instruction. We make our own plans, hopes and desires, but in the daily reading from Proverbs16 we are instructed to commit our work to the Lord and our plans will be established. Paul in Ephesians encouraged believers to overcome their problems by faith in the love of Jesus. Steve said we could overcome our earthly desires by committing our life to God by remembering the salvation we have through Jesus.

After sharing tea Steve Talked about the many Bible references to being separate such as trying to lead a lifestyle distinct from worldly practices. Steve looked at the prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17 when he asked God to keep believers in the world but separate from things not pleasing to Him. Jesus sent believers into the world to show how they were touched by the gospel. Jesus said believers would be known by their works and wanted everyone to know of His love and that He would return to establish His kingdom.