President for the day on Sunday was Roger Hosking and he welcomed visitors from Newquay and Bristol. Speaker in the afternoon on Sunday was Roy Smith from Newquay and he extolled the love of God in giving us so many blessings especially the gift of salvation through Jesus.

The Bible talks of forgiveness though the shedding of blood and Jesus manifested the holiness and absolute love of God in his life and sacrifice which was prophesied throughout scripture. Roy quoted Psalm 24 to show how God sorrows for the wickedness of mankind and those who reject His love and salvation and we need to respond in humility to that love as we remember Jesus and strive to show our response in our daily lives.

After tea Dieter Friedrich gave a fascinating presentation showing the biblical history of the tabernacle and temples. There is a record of the glory of God filling each temple until that of Herod at the time of Jesus when Jesus himself reflected the glory of God. Archaeological evidence of the details of worship were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Dieter showed representations of the temples including Ezekiel’s vision of the final temple in the kingdom when the Messiah would return through the east gate into Jerusalem. Although blocked today there has been evidence of the original east gate discovered and believers still look for the return of Jesus to establish that kingdom, not with the shame of the cross and a crown of thorns but with glory and majesty.