Sunday morning family service was led by Mandy Jenkin. Matt Wingham read Psalm 23 from the message translation of the Bible and Mandy read from John’s Gospel, chapter 10.

To illustrate how we need to prioritise things in our lives Justin and Thomas helped Mandy fill a jar with golf balls, pebbles, sand and chocolate milk, representing important things, regular needs and trivial items. It was important to sort out the big things first, especially our faith, family and friends. Mandy explained the use of the milk by saying that no matter how full our lives there is always room for chocolate! New songs were sung and Mandy accompanied one on her guitar.

Music was by David Wingham at the piano, with Matt on drums, Tim on guitar and Andy on cornet. Wendy Peek operated the computer system.

Refreshments were served in the hall after the service.