Early communion service was conducted by the Rev Daniel Reed, who read from Acts chapter 8 and spoke about Philip obeying God and stepping away from Jerusalem out into the desert. God challenges us to leave our comfort zones and step out in faith to do His work.

Coffee and biscuits were then served in the hall.

Morning worship was conducted by Julie Swann, who continued the theme of our Journey of Faith. The Lent Cross devotions were read by Jenny and Andy Wingham. Thomas Curnow and Daniel Strike helped Julie conduct an experiment to illustrate their faith that a pencil being pushed through a bag of water would not cause a flood. Julie showed DVD clips of stages of Noah’s journey and the congregation formed groups to discuss their experiences of journeys.

Just as Abraham and the disciples stepped out and obeyed God, so we are asked today to follow God without knowing exactly where our journey will take us. The Rev Geoffrey Thorpe read from Genesis chapter 12 and 2 Corinthians chapter 3.

Members of the congregation placed their shoes at the foot of the cross to signify their commitment to step out in faith.

David Wingham was the pianist and his sons, Matt, Andy and Tim played drums, cornet and guitar. Richard Curnow operated the computer and projector.