Sunday morning worship took the form of a pet service, held in the marquee by kind permission of Trewennack Horticultural Show, and conducted by the Rev Steve Swann.

Many pets brought their well-behaved owners and included dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, a crested duck, a silkie chicken and a rooster. Other pets, including several cats sent photographs and best wishes.

Mr Swann and his wife Julie involved the children in a dramatized version of the Creation and the story of Noah’s preparation of the ark. He reminded us that God gave us responsibility for all the animals and so we must care for them. Music was provided by David Wingham at the piano and his sons Matt, Andy and Tim on drums, cornet and guitar. After the service a picnic lunch was enjoyed by people and pets.

On Monday the chapel was open for prayer and reflection on the First World War, it being 100 years since the first shot was fired.