Sunday morning worship was conducted by Esther Benney, who brought along some of the young people from Breaney as part of their weekend activities.

The call to worship came from Psalm 96 and exhorted us all to sing to the Lord and praise Him.

Peter Benney and Andy Wingham told us of their experiences at Soul Survivor and showed some video clips. Bible readings from Luke chapter 7 and 1 Corinthians chapter 13 were by Anne and David Pascoe.

Esther spoke about God’s love being always there for us, even when we don’t find it easy to praise Him and in our dark times. We can get lost in things that take us away from God but he is always there for us and sent His Son to die for our forgiveness and healing.

Paul Benney read about God’s Grace and led the prayers of intercession. Margaret Eva was the pianist and Colin Combellack operated the computer. Coffee was served in the hall after the service.

Our Harvest Festival service on Sunday will be conducted by Shirley Wearne and our Cornish Harvest Supper will be held on Monday, with community singing at 7pm.