STUDENTS of Helston Sandokai Karate have succesfully completed their latest gradings.

Sensei Hughes put everyone through a vigorous set of kihon to get them warm before Sensei Collick took over and worked on hikite techniques.

The senior grades then split off with Shihan Gilbert for instructor training while the remainder were grilled in more kihon by Shihan Whale.

At the end of the morning session Shihan Gilbert gave a demonstration of Saipai kata and it's bunkai followed by breaking a stack of concrete slabs. Shihan Whale then presented him with a certificate and informed the members why he had been promoted to 7th Degree black belt that day.

Shihan Gilbert headed up the grading panel, assisted by Shihan Whale and Sensei Collick.

Those successful were: Ira Brett and Orion Salter - Promoted to 8th kyu, white belt; Gabriel Mackley and Charlesy Sweeney - Promoted to 7th kyu, yellow belt; Max Granville and Lewis Granville - Promoted to 6th kyu, orange belt; Diogo Camacho, Chloe Collick, Marcus Penhaligon, Molly Wallace, Chloe Williams and Coby Wear - Promoted to 5th kyu, green belt; Sarah Ewen, Christelle Challanad, Drew Scobie and Harrison Songhurst - Promoted to 4th kyu, purple belt; Owen Bradbury, Oban Scobie, Sarah Sowerby, Finn Tennenbaum - Promoted to 3rd kyu, blue belt; Amy Campbell - Promoted to 2nd kyu, brown belt; Jade Blakiston and Kai Goddard - Promoted to 1st kyu, brown belt.

For further information on your nearest Sandokai Karate Club please view our web site