Dylan Moore


Dylan Moore writes for The National Wales on culture and the arts. He is editor of the Welsh Agenda, the magazine of the Institute of Welsh Affairs. Dylan's books include Driving Home Both Ways and Many Rivers to Cross. He is a Hay Festival International Fellow.

Dylan Moore writes for The National Wales on culture and the arts. He is editor of the Welsh Agenda, the magazine of the Institute of Welsh Affairs. Dylan's books include Driving Home Both Ways and Many Rivers to Cross. He is a Hay Festival International Fellow.

Latest articles from Dylan Moore

Calennig apples, singing and sweets: how Wales lets in the New Year

While the revival of raucous ‘pwnco’ singing rituals and the reemergence of the macabre spectacle of the Mari Lwyd in villages and towns across Wales has understandably stolen the limelight in recent years, the simpler New Year’s Day custom of Calennig has perhaps passed below the radar.

Calennig apples, singing and sweets: how Wales lets in the New Year

While the revival of raucous ‘pwnco’ singing rituals and the reemergence of the macabre spectacle of the Mari Lwyd in villages and towns across Wales has understandably stolen the limelight in recent years, the simpler New Year’s Day custom of Calennig has perhaps passed below the radar.