One of the great things about our country, and any democratic society, is the notion of freedom of speech.

There are more than a few places on this planet where expressing your thoughts and beliefs can get you into a lot of trouble and we should continue to fight for our rights to do so whenever they are challenged.

Falmouth Packet:

However, freedom of speech also comes with certain responsibilities, such as knowing the difference between freely expressing yourself and telling other people how they should think or act.

When we protest or support events, we would do well to take the time to evaluate whether our protest is an act of free expression or a projection of our own beliefs on to others.

A drag queen who wants to take the time to read a story to local kids does not deserve to be automatically labelled a "child groomer" just as the people who would prefer their kids not to attend such an event do not deserve to be automatically labelled as fascists.

In the opinion of this Skipper, a simple solution would surely just be to live an let live?

If you don't want your kids to attend what, from all accounts, was a really nice event, then how about just not taking them to it?

Just a little something to ponder...