MR G Williams is probably unaware that there are many "religious" people (I assume by this he means Christians) for whom attendance at church services is not possible - perhaps for reasons of illness, age or infirmity.

Programmes such as "Cornwall Celebrates," and radio and TV in general, provide not only entertainment, but also companionship for people who might not otherwise see or hear another human being all day. Local radio is supposed to serve the whole community, not just Mr Williams.

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I agree with Mr Williams - local radio should be for news and entertainment, not religion. Hardly anyone goes to church these days so why inflict religion on us via the radio? I love listening to the radio but on Sunday mornings between 8 and 9 all I get on my two favourite stations - Radio Cornwall and Radio 4 - is God bothering! If they have to inflict this rubbish on us, can't they do it at different times so that we can re-tune?

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