Dear Editor

Cornwall Council conducted a public consultation on parking charges, this eventuated before the recent implemented car-park charges increase. I responded to the online consultation and raised the point that I could return to a car-park for the purpose of repayment. For example, in Helston the cost is 60p an hour and £1.40 for two hours, therefore if one paid for an hour and returned to pay for an additional hour the cost would only total £1.20 for two hours. However, I was informed by Cornwall Council via email, in response to my input to the car-park charges consultation, that if I was to return to a car-park to repay in this manner, it would contravene their rules and I could incur a fine.

I therefore find it interesting that my daughter uses the RingGo service and pays her parking charges by phone, when the 'ticket' is about to expire she receives a reminder text message, at this point she has the option to 'top up' her 'ticket' and extend her parking time.

I would therefore like to know why one rule evidently applies to tickets purchased from the machines, and another for using the RingGo service. I have asked Cornwall Council related questions but unfortunately no one I have asked seems to want to acknowledge my questions.

I am therefore left wondering if I was initially given wrong information in genuine error, alternatively, if certain people at Cornwall Council orchestrate and relay the rules as they go along, in a way which they think will be of a strategically financial benefit to the council. Perhaps Cornwall Council are fed up with my questions, sadly, lacking in a formal education I have indeed very often relied upon the knowledge of others, by way of asking questions. However, I clearly have little cognizance of car-parking charge legislation and it is obviously beyond my comprehension. With no information forthcoming for which to enlighten me, I will just have to remain oblivious and consign my questions to the unwanted and unanswered questions folder. In future perhaps I will stick to easier questions, such as, why does a brand new car-park machine reject nice new shiny good condition appropriate coins!

Gill Zella Martin