Having lived in Falmouth all my life, I was ashamed to read the letter in the Packet of August 9 by Mr Draper of Burton on Trent. I am proud to be Cornish and a Falmothian, but very sad at the observations presented in the letter, which does not present Falmouth in a very good light. I am sure it will put people off visiting the town. I have no choice but to agree with all comments made.

Parking in the town has long been a problem. Positive steps with our park-and-ride scheme have fallen by the wayside, leaving locals and visitors no choice but to use the town centre car parks. The general state of the town is also upsetting. I understand the problem we have with sea gulls, we have always been plagued with them.

However, I remember that in the past our town was much cleaner and maintained by a work force who had pride in their jobs and town. In a bid, first to make money from car parking, then to cut costs by slimming down cleaning staff, contracts to the cheapest bidder, the council has sold out the people of Falmouth. I hope local councillors are proud of themselves. Put pavements back, get rid of cobbles.

Mrs M Morris, Tremanor Way, Falmouth