So it my imagination or am I missing something? In recent weeks there have been many letters and reports in this paper and others of large flying predators attacking children, dogs, cats, OAPs and so on in and around Cornwall!

This predator is reportedly swooping down stealing sandwiches, chips, ice-cream and the like - truly terrifying when surrounded by these awesome creatures. I have been scanning the sky for such a monstrosity expecting to see a return of the Pterodactyl or African Vulture, but no it's only a puppet (sorry becoming sarcastic).

It's a gull and its offspring just trying to survive! Answer to this problem - let's have a cull, which is really a mass kill, just a nicer way of saying it.

Over the last few years in Falmouth we've killed all the rabbits, badgers, etc, on the headland by gassing them. We are continuing with poison traps all around the headland to kill anything that dares move. There's enough whales so now let's start killing them again. Ah well, now I feel better, waiting for the headline "Gull takes baby, leaves sandwich" - now that would be impressive!

D Baker, Little Oaks, Penryn