BRINLEY Morris's comments in last week's Packet on the traffic survey undertaken by the Liberal Democrats were surprisingly ill informed. He implies the sample size of 1,000 people was too small to make an informed judgement. In fact nearly 1,100 replies were received giving a statistical error of three per cent. As there was an eight to one majority in keeping the traffic flow the same as opposed to reversing it, there is no way in which the result can be in doubt.

If he looked at his opinion polls published during the general election period by Mori and Gallup he would have seen that they also quote a three per cent error. By emulating the professional pollsters somehow our survey was wrong. The result from his point of view might be wrong but the survey was not. He also makes the point about the 30% reduction in pollution in the main street if the traffic is reversed. This is also quoted by the county council. This figure was given by consultants when they prepared a report on traffic in Falmouth. I believe this report was published when Brinley Morris was a councillor so I assume he read it. What has conveniently not been mentioned is that this 30% reduction comes about only if you close Church Street car park. If you do that there is bound to be reduction in pollution, which ever way the traffic is routed through the town.

The survey gave solid evidence that the people of Falmouth do not want traffic reversal. It is gratifying to see that the county council actually listened to them. It is a pity that the county council did not do their own survey before they came up with their scheme. It might have saved them and others a lot of wasted time.

Coun Dr David Sterratt, Turnaware Road, Falmouth