The meeting on November 28 was well attended by members. The meeting was opened by the chairman who welcomed and introduced the speaker Steve Rogers of South West Optics, Truro.

Steve treated us to a fabulous evening of two parts. The first was birds, and bird photography techniques. The images were mostly taken in Cornwall, and included local and rare migratory birds. Steve shared his excellent knowledge of the birds and how and where best to photograph them. After a break for refreshments Steve continued with close up and macro photography of butterflies and dragonflies, which members found inspiring. John Winchester gave the vote of thanks for an excellent evening of stunning images. That was followed by a very appreciative round of applause from all members.

The next meeting will take place at Penryn Camera Club on December 5 and features round two of the Ken Farnell Cup. The chosen subject is Low Light, with an Open subject running alongside. The last meeting before the Christmas break will be a social evening on Wednesday, December 12 with an opportunity to view digital images from the Western Counties Photographic Federation, whilst enjoying some seasonal nibbles.

Meetings take place each Wednesday at 7.30pm at The Space, Penryn RFC, Kernick Road, Penryn. It is a friendly and welcoming club that aims to help people improve their photography skills. If you would like further information please telephone the chairman John Winchester on 07974221878, or visit the website at