Residents of the Falmouth and Helston areas are being asked to consider volunteering as a special constable as Devon and Cornwall police launch a recruitment drive.

Special constables work alongside and support their local police officers.

Duties include patrolling the streets, carrying out intelligence-based work in crime hotspots and taking part in crime prevention initiatives. They have the same powers as police officers and are an essential part of the force.

People from all walks of life can apply, as long as they are 18 or over, are in good health and be available for duty for at least 16 hours per month.

Chief Officer of the Special Constabulary, Mark Kastner, said: “Becoming a special constable is a big commitment, but is ultimately very rewarding. People join because they feel they have something to give and have a real desire to make their community a safer place.

“It is a challenging, but rewarding role that enables people to experience real-life situations not normally encountered by the majority of the population.”

Applications are invited via the Devon and Cornwall Police website at