An action plan has been drawn up and is being implemented after Penryn Infant School and Nursery Unit was told it “requires further improvement” by Ofsted inspectors.

The school was visited by two inspectors over two days in July and although the behaviour and safety of pupils has been rated as good, the school has fallen into the “requires improvement” grading for the other three categories.

Lead inspector Alex Baxter said: “Over time the reading, writing and independent learning skills of some pupils have not been good enough. Leadership and management have lacked the rigour needed over time to check and raise the quality of teaching and accelerate the pupils’ progress.

“Attendance has improved this term, but is it still below average over the year.

“It is reduced by too many parents and carers taking their children on holidays during school time.”

The inspectors have recognised that the school does have strengths saying: “Pupils’ progress and attainment in key stage one have recently improved. There is more good teaching now in the early years foundation stage.

“Staff pay close attention to pupils’ pastoral needs. The school promotes the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well.”

Commenting on the Ofsted report, head teacher Gillian Wright said: “Our inspection took place at the end of the summer term during a week which included sports day, two class trips and two discos.

“Although it was a difficult time in the school year to be inspected, I am very proud of the way in which children and staff behaved and interacted with the inspectors.

“Even though the children were exhausted and very excited about the end of term activities, they tried their hardest during all lessons and were very happy to talk to Inspectors about what they were doing.

“Whilst acknowledging the need to make improvements in certain areas, we are pleased that the Ofsted Inspectors acknowledged that there is an improving picture across the school and that many of the children had made better than expected progress, with a significant number of children making outstanding progress.

“We are also glad that the inspectors recognise the positive and caring atmosphere across the school and that the staff ‘manage pupils’ behaviour skilfully and are diligent in safeguarding pupils’ welfare.’ “The report also highlights that our children enjoy coming to school and feel safe.

Adding: “An action plan to address all the issues identified in the report has already been written and is being implemented.”