A singer-songwriter who studied A Level Music is well on his way to becoming a national star, after singing live with Gary Lightbody.

Sam Richardson, 21 from Truro, was captivated by music at a young age, which continued through to his student life.

Sam said: “I began listening and appreciating music at an early age. I was especially a fan of the stories and imagery of Bruce Springsteen’s music and it had, and still has an impact on me and the way I write.”

The Truro College student, grabbed every music opportunity, from setting up his own college band to studying A Level Music Technology and Music Performance Level 3 Diploma.

“My greatest memory at the college would be one of the numerous, relaxing summer afternoons rehearsing, chatting and running through a set list, or perhaps writing a new song with my college band, Gypsy Anchor.”

Sam’s college band, had their first claim to fame when they won the prestigious 2013 Performance Category, at Amnesty International’s song competition.

“Thanks to all of the fantastic lecturers in the music department I have learned valuable skills and was given the original opportunity to get involved with Amnesty International’s National Song Writing Competition.”

From performing in a teenage band, Sam went on to perform alongside the lead singer of Snow Patrol, Gary Lightbody, to an exclusive audience including film stars, Patrick Stewart, Jeremy Irons, Bianca Jagger and the band Kaiser Chiefs, among others.

Sam continued: “A music career in Cornwall is a double edged sword. So far from major cities it can be difficult getting a contract or recognition from major labels. However, the local scene is fantastic; we have brilliant festivals and venues, drawing huge artists from around the world.”

Sam has started to achieve his goal to become a Professional Musician, by recording his new song “Freedom Speaks My Name,” with Amnesty International.

“I hope to earn a living from the music I write. Like most musicians, a successful career is the ultimate end goal.”

Sam encourages other aspiring musicians to ‘focus’ and ‘find their music.’

“Find your own individual sound, remain influenced by the music and artists you love. Be the best you can be at what you do and focus on your own career and the path you want to take.”

With high aims and his first song recorded, Sam Richardson, is a name to look out for in the near future.