Students at Falmouth School were jumping for joy, when they were visited by leading British dance company Rambert.

Classes from year eight up to year 13 joined in and took part in technical dance exercises and repertoire from the professional work 'Ghost Dances' by Christopher Bruce.

They were joined by a dance practitioner from Rambert, which enabled the students to experience what it would be like to train as part of the country's oldest dance company, and taught them the history behind the movement they were learning.

In particular the students learnt about the use of the torso in contemporary dance, and the assembled crowd worked hard to pick up the sequences.

The next day 25 students then visited the Hall for Cornwall to watch Rambert in their current UK tour, the bill consisted of three varying dance pieces including 'Ghost Dances', on of Bruce's most famous work depicting the terror people in Chile went through during the rule of General Pinochet.

Emma Roberts, dance teacher at Falmouth School, said: "To have Rambert come and work with us and to have the opportunity to learn one of their most famous dances was a really exciting experience.

"I’m sure that this opportunity will really inspire the students in their dance work.”