St Keverne's former Methodist chapel is to change from being a house of worship into simply being two homes.

Conditional approval has been given for the conversion of the building in Commercial Road, along with additional parking.

St Keverne Parish Council had recommended refusal of the plans all the way along, saying that windows would "totally overlook the bedrooms and rear garden of the neighbouring property," with additional concerns over access.

Members had also added: "At one time it was suggested that affordable units would be provided but this is not the

case now. These will be expensive, unaffordable flats similar to St Martin-in-Meneage Chapel where each flat is now for sale for £400,000."

However, Cornwall Council officer Martin Jose believed none of these concerns outweighed the other considerations that allowed him to given approval under delegated powers.

He said the building was in easy reach of the village centre and "the re-use of this redundant building into two dwellings is acceptable in principle."

He added that the height of the windows meant overlooking would be minimal and that the fact these rooms would be bedrooms meant the "privacy of the adjacent neighbours would not be compromised."

Services have not taken place in the former chapel for more than 18 months, with the United Methodist Church St Keverne now meeting in what was the adjacent Methodist hall.

The plans also give permission for extra parking to now be created at the back of the hall.