The truth behind the money and hype of the contemporary art market has been detailed in a film which is heading to The Poly in Falmouth.

An Artist’s Eyes, directed by Jack Bond, highlights depression, anxiety and anarchy in the life of East London artist Chris Moon.

The film also follow’s Moon through solo exhibitions in London and New York onto a road-trip across Southern Spain for inspiration to give insight into the reality of life as a contemporary artist.

Director Jack Bond began directing in 1962 and worked on Melvyn Bragg’s arts magazine programme New Release. His modern works include 2013’s The Blueblack Hussar, a feature length documentary charting the rise of Adam Ant. In 2009 he produced and directed an intimate portrait of actress Charlotte Rampling in Waiting for Charlotte.

The film will be screened at The Poly on Thursday, January 10 at 7.30pm.