Cornish inclusive arts charity Shallal is keen to welcome new members to their thriving Wednesday morning arts and dance theatre group at the Dracaena Centre, Falmouth.

The morning starts at 9.30am with an art session called Express Yourself, followed by Friends and Dancing from 11am-12.30pm. Those who want to come just for dancing should arrive at 10.45am.

No experience is needed for either and the group, led by experienced inclusion facilitators Colin and Debs, welcomes people with the full range of abilities and support needs.

Participants at the art sessions have enjoyed a range of exciting, accessible workshops this term such as felting, mosaics and print-making with some fantastic visiting artist. Shallal’s dance theatre sessions allow people to go at their own pace and encourage spontaneous movement, so there is no right or wrong.

Both groups invite new people to drop-in and try for themselves with no commitment.

Thanks to ongoing funding from the Henry Smith Charity our long-standing group, promoting health, wellbeing, creativity and fun, is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

If you would like to come along and try it out, or know someone who you think might enjoy it, please contact Colin on 07747 543300 or visit and £3 per session or donation if low income.

The Dracaena Centre is fully accessible.

* The group also holds a session on Mondays The Acorn Theatre, Penzance.

Open House runs from 10.30am–noon and promotes health, wellbeing, self-expression and fun for all.

The Acorn Theatre has disabled access via Green Market car park. For more information about the Acorn please visit