Fly tipping in Falmouth Cemetery has forced the town council to lock the gates to prevent vehicle access at night.

Building rubble has regularly been dumped in and beside the cemetery wheelie bins.

Falmouth Town Council's cemetery operative Matt Brotherford said that in the past he has been able to track down fly tippers and report them.

Where previously he has been able to find the address of the fly-tippers on letters in the rubbish, this time he says there is no way to track them down without security cameras in the cemetery as it is all waste from what appears to be a building site.

Since vehicle access at night has been stopped, Matt says the fly-tipping has "quietened down".

Falmouth Packet:

Originally left open to allow people with walking difficulties the chance to visit the cemetery in the evenings, vehicular access will now be stopped between roughly 8pm and 8am.

Matt says: "Hopefully it will stop people from doing it".

Cornwall councillor for Falmouth Trescobeas David Saunby said: "This to me is just disgusting, to fly tip in a public cemetery is really going beyond belief.

"The town council maintain the cemetery to a very high standard, where people can come and visit loved ones, so when things like fly tipping accrue, it can only demoralise the efforts of the groundsmen who work hard to keep it up to the standard required, not just by the council but also by the public.

"Is this really the society we are living in today?"